A laurel, and hearty handshake to everyone long-listed for this year’s Irish Blog Awards. I mean that sincerely, even to the blogs I’ve never heard of or don’t like.
Neither AdamMaguire.com nor Dáil30.ie got onto the list, which is a little sad but far from a surprise. Both blogs, particularly Dáil30.ie, have been treading water over the last few months and I’m sensible enough to admit that there’s little to be rewarded. Put it this way; I couldn’t honestly nominated either blog for ‘Best Anything’, so how could anyone else?
Of course I do hope Dáil30.ie will be an actual project as opposed to an idea by 2009 and that this site will have found its feet once and for all. Then I’ll be super-pissed at all of you if I don’t win everything going, even Best Craft Blog (podcast production is a craft).
Naturally I’ll be there on March 1st come rain or shine, hopefully you lot will be too and it’ll be a chance to meet and/or catch up.
* I’m not really crying, I was sobbing. There’s a difference.