• I’m LinkedIn, apparently.

    While I’m always interested in new (to me, anyway) social media sites and tools, I rarely sign up to them as I see little personal benefit in being a “member”. While the likes of Bebo and Myspace are useful to many, and as a result bafflingly successful, they don’t offer me anything I don’t already have in the old fashioned world of blogging, emailing and texting.

    LinkedIn is another kettle of fish. Being at the beginning of my career and always on the look out for new job opportunities, contacts, sources and stories the site comes packed with potential. That doesn’t mean I expect it to have a huge impact on my career, but it is unlikely to do any harm and should even loosen a few hinges if it doesn’t open doors.

    I’ll be using it to try and push Dáil30 out there too, although I’m not sure how to be honest. I just see a site full of potential connections between the more web-aware of our world as a step in the right direction to getting interested parties involved wherever possible.
    I had set up my LinkedIn account a few weeks ago, but never actually did anything with it. Now I’m taking a pro-active approach, firstly by contacting anyone in my Gmail account’s contact list that has their own account to see if I can link up to them.

    Other than that I’m looking around to see what the site has to offer and what I can do with my own profile to put my best foot forward.

    If you’re interested (or on LinkedIn) head over to my profile and have a look for yourself – the link is just at the end of the right sidebar. All invitations to link-up are welcome, and any pointers, tips etc. to ensure I’m painting the right picture of myself are welcome too!