Damien asked me to be one of the judges in 7 of the 21 categories at this year’s Irish Blog Awards, which I was happy to do.
The categories I was asked to be a judge in are as follows:
Best Newcomer
Best Podcaster
Best Podcast
Best Business Blog
Best Personal Blog
Best Blog Post
Best Videocast
Before any of the nominees start sending me flowers and naked pictures of themselves, I can tell you that I’ve made my decisions on each of the above and have sent them on to IBA HQ… feel free to send gifts all the same, but do so safe in the knowledge that it will have zero impact on your chances next Saturday.
Besides this, my voice is just one of many judges putting their own opinions forward, so all my careful consideration may end up completely irrelevant anyway!
I have to say, in some cases the points I gave a blog came naturally to me, but others were not so easy to judge and I often struggled to pick one over the other… I think I was as fair as possible about it though.
But best of luck to everyone in all of the 21 categories, the night should be one to remember.
(Oh, and just a comment on my list of predictions – they don’t necessarily reflect the blogs I gave top marks to – my predictions were not always the ones I thought deserved it most…)