This seems to be doing the rounds on blogs and forums at the moment, so I’ll add my voice to the appeal;
John Handelaar is looking for 15 people (he has 10 so actually only needs 5 more) to give their support to his plan to create an index of all the TD’s in Ireland and most importantly, offer a way for those online to contact them with ease.
For an idea of how this system would work, check out, a website which does the same for the UK and is the inspriation for Handelaar’s plan.
Getting the details you need on is simple, you just type in your postcode and you’re given a list of MP’s, MEP’s and Councillors. Click on the name and you’re able to write them a letter. A beautiful idea that would allow people simple access to the people who make decisions that effect your life every day.
Hopefully John will get the support he needs and we’ll see an Irish version very soon; I wonder how simple things will be without the sensible postcode system of the UK, but time will tell.
If you want to offer your support go to this PledgeBank page.
Write To Them – Ireland